Why go for organic green tea?

Organic green tea is considered to be one of the best beverages in the world. It's known to improve your health and immune system, while also providing many other health benefits. Why go for organic green tea? It's important to note that organic green teas are not grown in the same way as conventional teas. Conventional green teas may use chemical pesticides, herbicides and chemical fertilizers when growing the tea leaves. These chemicals are used to remove pests and weeds from the fields, which can also damage nearby crops and wildlife. Organic green teas are grown without these harmful chemicals - instead, they're allowed to grow naturally in their natural environment while benefiting from their natural surroundings. This is beneficial for both farmers and animals alike! Organic farmers know how important it is for plants to thrive in their natural environment; this knowledge leads them down a path of sustainable farming practices that benefit both humans and Earth i...